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Postgraduate students 1998
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Postgraduate Students 1998
Condon, Jason RobertBlack, A/Prof AS;
Conyers Dr M
The stratification of surface soil pH resulting from urine application.
Crump, Nigel StephenAsh Dr G; Nikandrow, Dr A The potential biological control of Saffron Thistle (Carthamus lanatus).

Graham, Richard James Pratley, Prof J; Slater, Mr P The biology of Damasonium minus (R.Br) Buch.- a weed of New South Wales Rice Crops.
Kennedy, Michelle Eberbach, Dr P; Evans, Dr J Reducing the persistence of Izamethapyr residues in acid soils
Mitra, RobinMuralitharan, Dr M; Price, Dr T; Application of molecular markers to distinguish genetic diversity in Pinus radiata
Norton, GertraudPratley, Prof J; Lemerle, Dr DStudies in the biology of fumitory (Fumaria spp.)
O'Connor, Gerard EJBlack, A/Prof S; Evans, Dr JEnhancing nitrogen transfer from pulses to wheat
Paul, John AnthonyWolfe, Prof E; Cregan, Mr PCritical parameters for monitoring ley pastures in southern Australia
Paul, Keryn IsabellBlack, A/Prof AS; Conyers, Dr MProcesses causing pH stratification of surface soils
Suwardji Prayogo; Eberbach, Dr PL; Black, A/Prof AS; Lemerle, Dr DSorption characteristics and degredation of some herbicides in Australian soils
Vanderaa, Peter AndreiAsh, Dr G; Kadkol, Dr G; Mailer, Dr R Identification of molecular markers for resistance to blackleg in canola
Wiechel, Tonya JaneAsh, Dr G; Wratten, Dr N May, Dr C Virulence markers in Leptosphaeria maculans the cause of blackleg of canola
Wu, HanwenPratley, Prof J; Haig, Dr TLemerle, Dr D Wheat allelopathy and its genetic basis
Bowcher, Annabel JanePratley, Prof J; Lemerle, Dr D; Virgona, Dr JCompetition between temperate perennial pasture species and annual weed species: the effect of the botanical composition and resource capture
Broster, John ChristophePratley, Prof J; Slater, Mr P; Medd, Dr RHerbicide resistance in wild oats in southern New South Wales.
Flower, Giles Pratley, Prof J;Slater, Mr P The biology and ecology of Arrorhead, a weed in rice in NSW
Gromer, Micheal Allan Meyer, Prof W; Eberbach, Dr PA decision support system for maize to promote best irrigation management practice and improve the sustainability of irrigated areas
Jahromi, Farzad GhofraniAsh Dr G; Cother, Dr ESuitability of Rynchosporium alismatis as a mycoherbicide for integrated management of Damasonium minus in rice fields
Rubzen, Brian Smith, Dr C; Wolfe, Prof E; Helyar, Dr KAdaptation of Weed Species to Acid Soil Environments
Bell, David JohnSlater, Mr P; Jerrie, Dr PMonitoring the Oriental Fruit Moth (Cydia molesta) to Improve Managment of the Pest in the Cobram Stone Fruit District
Kealey, Lucy MaryBlack, A/Prof S; Eberbach, Dr P; Humphreys, Dr EManagement of pre-sowing nitrogen for puddled rice soils
Keys, Michael James Cregan, Mr P; Orchard, Dr PTo determine the Relative Tolerance of Perennial Pasture Species to SIMAZINE and to establish minimum Plant-back Periods
Purnomo, Erry Black, A/Prof S; Eberbach, Dr P; Helyar, Dr K Management of phosphorus fertilizers in soil with an acid subsurface layer
Willis, Tracy Black, A/Prof S; Cooper, Mr J; Meyer, Dr W The Effect of Irrigation on the Lower Macquarie Valley