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Soil and Water Management
Major Funded projects

Reducing the persistence of Izamethapyr residues in acid soils

Enhancing the beneficial effect of pulses on wheat production

Sorption characteristics and degradation of some herbicides in Australian soils

Processes causing pH stratification of surface soils

Sustainable rotations through recharge control by enhanced lucerne water uptake

Effect of a polymer on soil water retention/release characteristics and plant water use efficiency

Controlled root zone irrigation

Effect of pulsing on wetting patterns with T-tape subsurface irrigation system

Activity of Imazethapyr on acid soils

Research Supervisors:
Dr Phillip Eberbach; Dr Jeff Evans
Research Staff:
Ms Michele Kennedy


Project Summary:

Imazethapyr (Spinnaker) is a new herbicide used to control a wide range of grasses and broad leafed weeds in pulse crops and lucerne pastures. However on acid soils and under dry conditions, residues of Spinnaker may carryover to affect the following cereal crop. This project is investigating the sorption mechanism operative on Imidazolinone herbicides in acids soils, and the potential to develop a microbial inoculum capable of enhancing the decomposition of these herbicides in soil.