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Postgraduate students 1998
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Reports from research programs
Farming Systems
Integrated Pest Management
Soil and Water Management
Internet Technology
Spatial Information Technologies

Report from the Associate Director

The depth of research in the Farrer Centre was greatly increased in 1998, due to the formation of two new research programs, namely Biotechnology and Spatial Information Systems.

The Biotechnology program, under the program leader Dr Morley Murilitharan, offers exciting prospects in the development of projects in biotechnology of both plants and animals and the forging of many new links with researchers from other institutions.
The Spatial Information Systems program is headed up by Dr David Lamb and is concentrated on the integration of remote sensing and geographical information systems in the management of natural resources. The main personnel for this program are drawn from the School of Science and Technology.

The depth and breadth of research undertaken in the Farrer Centre provides both opportunities and challenges. Members of the Centre have been active in attracting new grants and many members have shown some success in attracting funds from non-traditional areas of funding such as private industry. The challenge with increasing research is retaining focus and supplying infrastructure to support this new research. The Farrer Centre continues to provide a management and administrative structure and supply infrastructure to support existing and new areas of research.

By continuing to adapt to the challenges of research at the local and the international level the Centre retains its relevance and supports the on-going research of its members.

Gavin Ash

Associate Director for Research