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Reports from research programs
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Major Funded projects

Resistance and Pathogen Virulence in the canola:blackleg pathosystem

Identification of molecular markers for blackleg resistance in canola

Use of Molecular Markers to Enhance the Efficiency of Oilseed Brassica Breeding

Forecasting Sclerotinia Stem Rot in Australia

Biocontrol of saffron thistle

Development of a mycoherbicide for Asteraceae weeds

Sustainable starfruit control using a mycoherbicide to avoid development of chemical herbicide resistance

Molecular mode of action of a new fungicide for the control of Botrytis

The production, germinability and infectivity of survival structures of Rhynchosporium alismatis, a candidate mycoherbicide for the control of Alisma lanceolatum and Damasonium minus in rice

Development of integrated weed control strategies for the rice weeds Cyperus difformis and Alisma plantago-aquatica

Assessing allelopathy risks in conservation farming systems

Weed resistance to the knockdown herbicides glyphosate, paraquat and diquat in cropping systems

Evaluation of glyphosate resistance in annual ryegrass

Morphological and physiological changes in Trifolium subterraneum induced by applications of broadleaf herbicides

Study of the Biology of Fumitory (Fumaria spp)

Biology of arrowhead (Sagittaria montevidensis)

Weed Control in Forage Legumes

Herbicide carryover in crop stubble

Long term investigations of the effect of tillage practices on crop production at Wagga Wagga, NSW

The production, germinability and infectivity of survival structures of Rhynchosporium alismatis, a candidate mycoherbicide for the control of Alisma lanceolatum and Damasonium minus in rice

Research Supervisors

Dr Gavin Ash and Dr Eric Cother

Research Staff:

Mr Vincent Lanioslet




Project Summary:
Damasonium minus
(Starfruit) and Alisma lanceolatum are two important weeds of irrigated rice found in New South Wales, Australia. Control of D. minus is becoming increasingly difficult due to its resistance to Londaxâ (Bensulfuron). As a result, the pathogenic Rhynchosporium alismatis is being studied as a potential biological control agent. R. alismatis produces both conidia and chlamydospores: this study investigated the potential use of the chlamydospores as a biocontrol agent for these two weeds.

The production, germinability and infectivity of chlamydospores were investigated. Bioassay leaf discs were used to study the lesion development caused by chlamydospores. Scanning Electron Microscopy pictures showed that R. alismatis can

infect D. minus, by direct penetration, by intercellular penetration or through stomata. At 200C, the fungus completed its lifecycle within 4 days.

Potato Dextrose Agar permitted to produce 3.6 million chlamydospores per square centimetre within 15 days. The optimum temperature for chlamydospore production was 250C; for chlamydospores germination 300C and for lesion development 250C. Light cycle had no significant effect on the production. Three months of storage did not affect the germination rate of chlamydospores.