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Farming Systems
Integrated Pest Management
Soil and Water Management
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Book Chapters
1. Chan, K.Y. and Pratley, J. (1998) Soil structure decline - can the trend be reversed? in Pratley, J. and Robertson, A. (eds) Agriculture and the Environmental Imperative CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.

2. Eberbach, P. L. (1998) Salt-affected soils: their cause, management and cost. In Pratley, J. E. and Robertson, A. (eds.) Agriculture and the Environmental Imperative, CSIRO Press

3. Lamb, D. W., (1998). Opportunities for satellite and airborne remote sensing of weeds in Australian crops. In "Precision Weed Management in Crops and Pastures". Eds. R.W. Medd and J.E. Pratley, (R.G. and F.J. Richardson, Melbourne), 48-54.

4. Medd, R. W. and Pratley, J. E. (1998) Precision Weed Management in Crops and Pastures. CRC for Weed Management Systems, Adelaide.

5. Pratley J.E. and Robertson A. (eds) (1998) Agriculture and the Environmental Imperative. CSIRO Publishing. Melbourne

6. Pratley J.E., Lemerle, D., Frager, L. & Kent J.H. (1998) Pesticides in Agriculture - Friend or Foe? in Pratley J.E. and Robertson A. (eds) Agriculture and the Environmental Imperative. CSIRO Publishing. Melbourne

7. Pratley, J. E. and Lemerle, D. (1998) Precision weed management - outcomes for research. in Precision Weed Management in Crops and Pastures eds R. W. Medd and J. E. Pratley. CRC for Weed Management Systems. Adelaide.

8. Robertson, A. and Pratley, J. (1998) From farm management to ecosystem management. in Pratley, J. and Robertson, A. (eds) Agriculture and the Environmental Imperative CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.

Journal Publications
1. Dear, B. S., Cocks, P. S., Wolfe, E. C., and Collins, D. P. (1998). Established perennial grasses reduce the growth of emerging subterranean clover seedlings through competition for water, light and nutrients. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 49, 41-51.

2. Dunshea, F. , E. Ostrowska, M.S. Muralitharan, R. Cross, D.E. Bauman, M.W. Pariza and C. Skarie (1998). Dietary conjugated linoleic acid decreases back fat in finishing gilts. Journal of Animal Science 76, Supplement 1, P 131.

3. Eberbach, P.L. (1998) Applying non-steady state compartmental analysis to investigate the simultaneous degradation of soluble and sorbed glyphosate (N-phosphonomethyl glycine) in four soils. Pesticide Science, 52(3), 229-240

4. Ellison, P.J. Ash, G.J. and C. McDonald. 1998. An expert system for the management of Botrytis cinerea in Australian vineyards. II. Validation. Agricultural Systems. 56, 209-224.

5. Ellison, P.J., Ash, G.J. and C. McDonald. 1998. An expert system for the management of Botrytis cinerea in Australian vineyards. I. Development. Agricultural Systems. 56, 185-207.

6. Eustace, K. (1998). Ethnographic study of a virtual learning community. Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy. Vol. 8 Number 1, pp 83-84.

7. Evans, C.M., Conyers, M.K., Black, A. S. & Poile, G.J. (1998). Effect of ammonium, organic amendments and plant growth on soil pH stratification. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 36, 641-653.

8. Frazier P. (1998). Mapping blackberry thickets in Kosciuszko National Park using airborne video data. Plant Protection Quarterly. 13 (3), 145-148.

9. Howden, P., Vanclay, F., Lemerle, D. & Kent, J.H. (1998). Working with the grain - Farming styles amongst Australian broadacre croppers. Rural Society Vol 8 No 2. Centre for Rural Social Research, Charles Sturt University

10. Jahromi, F.G., Ash, G.J. and Cother, E.J. 1998. Influence of cultural and environmental conditions on conidial production, conidial germination and infectivity of Rhynchosprium alismatis, a candidate mycoherbicide. Australasian Plant Pathology 27, 180-185

11. Lamb, D. W., & Weedon, M. (1998), Evaluating the accuracy of mapping weeds in fallow fields using airborne digital imaging. Panicum effusum in oilseed rape stubble, Weed Research, 38, 443-451

12. Lamb, D. W., Ritchie G. L. D. & Keir, R. I.,(1998), Polarizability and magnetizability anisotropies of trimethylboroxine, Me3B3O3. Comparison of boroxine and benzene ring systems, Chem.Phys.Letters, 291, 197-201.

13. Ostrowska, E., Muralitharan, M., Chandler, S.F., Volker, P., Hetherington, S. and Dunshea, F..R. (1998). Optimised conditions for DNA isolation in Pinus radiata. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology- Plant 34 (2) :108-111.

14. Ostrowska, E., Muralitharan, M., Chandler, S.F., Volker, P., Hetherington, S., Mitra, R. and Dunshea, F..R. (1998). Optimised conditions for RAPD analysis in Pinus radiata. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology- Plant 34 (3):225-230.

15. Peoples, M. B., Gault, R. R., Scammell, G. H., Dear, B. S., Virgona, J., Sandral, G. A., Paul, J., Wolfe, E. C., and Angus, J. F. (1998). Effect of pasture management on the contributions of fixed N to the N economy of ley-farming systems. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 49, 459-74

16. Suwardji, P and Eberbach, P. L. (1998) Seasonal changes in physical properties of an Oxic Paleustalf (Red Kandasol) after 16 years of direct drilling or conventional cultivation. Soil Tillage Research, 49, 65-77

Conference Publications

1. An, M., Pratley, J. and Haig, T. (1998) Allelopathy: from concept to reality. Proc. 9th Australian Agronomy Conference, Wagga Wagga, 563-566.

2. Ash, G.J., Crump, N.S., Raman, R. and Nikandrow, A. (1998). Implications of genetic diversity on the biological control of saffron thistle in Australia. Seventh International Bioherbicide Workshop, Strathclyde University, Glasgow.

3. Black, A.S., Purnomo, E., Young, S.R., & Conyers, M. (1998).The distribution of N mineralisation and nitrification with depth in crop and pasture soils. In Proceedings of the 9 th Australian Agronomy Conference, pp 768-770. The Australian Society of Agronomy Incorporated: Wagga Wagga.

4. Broster, J. C., Pratley, J. E., Slater, P. D. and Medd, R. W. (1998) Herbicide resistance in wild oats in southern New South Wales. Proc. 9th Australian Agronomy Conference, Wagga Wagga, 579-582.

5. Chisholm, L. and Louis, J. (1998) Forest moisture stress determination using pixel unmixing and multispectral imagery. 9th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference, Sydney, Australia.

6. Condon, J., Black, A.S. & Conyers, M.K. (1998). Changes in soil pH resulting from simulated urine patches. In Proceedings of the 9 th Australian Agronomy Conference, pp 774-776. The Australian Society of Agronomy Incorporated: Wagga Wagga.

7. Crump, N.S., Ash, G.J. and Nikandrow (1998) Investigations utilising a fungal pathogen for the biological control of saffron thistle (Carthamus lanatus L.) in Australia. Proceedings of the Sixth International Mycological Society Conference, Israel.

8. Crump, N.S., Ash, G.J. and Nikandrow, A. (1998). Potential of fungal isolates for the biological control of saffron thistle (Cathamus lanatus) in Australia. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP), Edinburgh.

9. Crump, N.S., Cother, E.J. and Ash, G.J. (1998). Review of the terminology used in microbial weed control. Workshop on the "Beneficial use of plant pathogens: biological control of weeds. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP), Edinburgh.

10. Dalgarno, B.J. (1998). Choosing Learner Activities for Specific Learning Outcomes: A Tool for Constructivist Computer Assisted Learning Design. Proceedings of EdTech'98 [online]. Available http://cleo.murdoch.edu.au/aset/confs/edtech98

11. Dalgarno, B.J. (1998). Developing Constructivist Computer Assisted Learning Resources: A Model Drawing on Instructional Design and Software Engineering Principles. Work-in-progress paper presented at ASCILITE '98. [online]. Available http://cedir.uow.edu.au/ASCILITE98/abw_06d.html Also available locally Also available locally is Chapter 5 of my thesis, which describes the material presented in greater depth.

12. Dalgarno, B.J. (1998). Tools for Authoring Constructivist Computer Assisted Learning Resources: A Review. Paper presented at ASCILITE '98. A local copy of this paper is available. Additionally, the complete tables compiled as part of the review, are available.

13. Dear, B. S., Cocks, P. S., and Wolfe, E. C. (1998). Established phalaris and cocksfoot reduce the growth, turgor and survival of subterranean clover seedlings. (In) "Agronomy - growing a greener future", Eds D. L. Michalk and J. E. Pratley. Proceedings of the 9th Australian Agronomy Conference, Wagga Wagga, pp. 251-253.

14. Edirisinghe,A., Louis, J. and Chapman,G. (1998). Retrieval of ground reflectance from multispectral airborne video data: A simplified method for routine operational applications in the lower atmosphere. 9th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference, Sydney, Australia.

15. Frazier, P. (1998). Discrimmination of Blackberry thickets using high spatial resolution airborne video data. 9th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference, Sydney, Australia

16. Hay, L. (1998). Vision or vanish: Information, literacy & learning...and the TL. Keynote address presented at School Library Association ofVictoria (SLAV) Conference, `Information, Literacy & Learning', EdmundBarton Centre, Moorabbin, Vic., 3 April. Available online<http://golum.riv.csu.edu.au/~lhay/presentation/visionvanish/>.

17. Howden, P., Vanclay, F., Lemerle, D. & Kent, J.H. (1998). Farming Styles and Extension in Broadacre Cropping. Proc. 9th Australian Agronomy Conference, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga. 20-23 July 1998.

18. Jahromi F., Cother, E. and Ash, G.J. (1998). Inundative approach for controlling starfruit (Damasonium minus) in Australian rice fields using a pathogenic fungus. Proceedings of the Sixth International Mycological Society Conference, Israel.

19. Lamb, D. W. and Weedon, M. (1998). Evaluating the accuracy of weed maps generated using airborne multispectral imaging. 9th Australian Agronomy Conference, Wagga Wagga Australia.

20. Lamb, D. W., Medway, J. and Lucas, J. (1998). Airborne multispectral imaging and precision farming- the south eastern Australian experience. 9th Australian Agronomy Conference, Wagga Wagga Australia.

21. Lowe, B. and Frazier, P. (1998). Digital Elevation model generation using high spatial resolution airborne video data. 9th Australian Agronomy Conference, Wagga Wagga Australia.

22. Ostrowska, E., Muralitharan, M., Cross, R.F., Bauman, D.E. and Dunshea, F.R. (1998). Dietary conjugated linoleic acid decreases fat deposition in growing pigs. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society of Australia 22, 171.

23. Page, K., Frazier, P. and Rothe, K. (1998). Floodplain formation by oblique accretion. 8th Australian and New Zealand, Geomorphology Group Conference Proceedings, Goolwa Australia.

24. Pascoe, S.G., S. F. Chandler, M.S. Muralitharan and S. Hetherington (1998). Comparison of Pinus radiata zygotic embryo development for somatic embryogenic studies in cones from Albury and New Norfolk (Tasmania). Proceedings of the Meeting of the Australian Society of Plant Physiologists in Adelaide-September.

25. Paul, K.I., Black, A.S. & Conyers, M.K. (1998). Can plant residue return assist in the amelioration of surface soil acidification? In Proceedings of the 9 th Australian Agronomy Conference, pp 765-767. The Australian Society of Agronomy Incorporated: Wagga Wagga.

26. Paul, K.I., Black, A.S. & Conyers, M.K. (1998). The influence of plant residue return on surface soil pH. In National soils Conference Proceedings, pp 520-522. The Australian Society of Soil Science Incorporated: Brisbane.

27. Suwardji, P., Eberbach, P.L. & Black, A.S. (1998). Sorption and decomposition of glyphosate in soils from four temperate regimes. In National Soils Conference Proceedings, pp 218-224. The Australian Society of Soil Science Incorporated: Brisbane.

28. Vaughan, S.J., Ash, G.J. and Steel, C.C. (1998). Molecular Techniques to Determine the Effect of Scala® on the Physiology of Botrytis cinerea. 10th Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference, Sydney

29. Weedon, M. and Lamb, D. W. (1998). Rapid generation of weed maps in crops using airborne multispectral imaging: Accuracy and application to precision spraying. 9th Australasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference, Sydney, Australia

30. Wiechel, T.J., Ash, G.J., Wratten, N. and May, C.E. (1998). The feasibility of using doubled haploid canola lines to determine pathotypes of the blackleg fungus in Australia. Proceedings of the Blackleg of Crucifers (Leptosphaeria maculans/Phoma lingam) Workshop, Edinburgh, Scotland. UK.

31. Wiechel, T.J., Ash, G.J., Wratten, N. and May, C.E. (1998). The Leptosphaeria maculans:Brassica napus interaction in Australia. feasibility of using doubled haploid canola lines to determine pathotypes of the blackleg fungus in Australia. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP), Edinburgh, Scotland. UK.

32. Wolfe, E. C. (1998). Opportunities and threats to temperate oilseed production in Australian and Canadian farming systems. (In) "Agronomy - growing a greener future", Eds D. L. Michalk and J. E. Pratley. Proceedings of the 9th Australian Agronomy Conference, Wagga Wagga, pp 461-64.

33. Wu, H., Pratley, J., Lemerle, D., Haig, T. and Verbeek, B. (1998) Differential allelopathic potential among wheat accessions to annual ryegrass. Proc. 9th Australian Agronomy Conference, Wagga Wagga, 567-571.

34. Yang, X., and Zhou, Q. (1998). An integrated drainage network analysis system for acid drainage management, in Proc. International Conference on GIS AM/FM and GeoInfomatics 98, Beijing, China.

35. Yang, X., and Zhou, Q. (1998). Integrating remote sensing and GIS for floodplain water resources management. The 9th Australian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference, Sydney, Australia.

Technical Publications

1. Blood, K., Taylor, U., Nugent, T. and Timmins S. (1998) Weed Navigator. Cooperative Research Centre for Weed Management Systems. University of Adelaide.

2. Eustace, K. (1998). Management techniques and software quality for small-scale Web projects. [Online] Available at http://www.csu.edu.au/research/ispg/papers/cpmt.html ISPG Research, Internet Special Projects Group, Charles Sturt University, 30 November, 1998.

3. Eustace, K. and L. Hay. (1998). AussieMOO: Synchronous teaching and learning in a collaborative electronic environment. Paper presented at Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CELT) Learning & Teaching Forum '98 `Connecting Learners and Teachers', Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, 11-12 February.

4. Hay, L. (1998). AussieMOO: Synchronous teaching and learning in a collaborative electronic environment. Hands on workshop for academic staff at School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 11 September.

5. Hay, L. (1998). Electronic environments: Synchronous teaching and learning in a collaborative real-time environment. Workshop presented at SLANT Jamie McKenzie PD Day, Alice Springs, 18 May. McGregor, J. and L. Hay. (1998). School Library Media Specialist District Coordinators' Online Forum. Synchronous panel session with Dallas, Texas SLMS District Coordinators and Texas Womans University SLMS Masters students in Jasper Park Lodge, AussieMOO, 30 April.

6. Kent, J. (1998) Submission to the Review of Competition Policy for Agvet Chemicals. Farmcare Australia

7. Kent, J.H. & Banyer, R.J. (1998). Short Course in Grain Quality Protection Proc. 1998 Australian Postharvest Technical Conference. Canberra. 26-29 May.

8. Kent, J.H. & Early, R. (1998). Advanced Spray Application in Vineyards Training Course. Proc 10th Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference. Sydney.

9. Kent, J.H. (1998). Implementation of the Farmcare Australia Communication Strategy. Report to DPI&E of a Clean Food Production Program project. Farmcare Australia and Farrer Centre, Charles Sturt University.

10. Lamb, D. W. (1998). Airborne digital imaging- the farmer's eye in the sky, IAMA Rural News (7), 6-7.

11. Lamb, D. W., Glasgow, I., Mahon, J. & Saunders, I. (1998), An evaluation of current multispectral airborne imagery of dryland crops as an aid to field agronomists, June - November, 1997. Research Report, Charles Sturt University, ISBN 0-646-35563-5.

12. Muirhead, W. A., Charlesworth, P. B., Meyer, W. S., Miller, M. L., Katupitiya, A. and Win, M. (1998). Controlled root zone irrigation: CSIRO consultancy report 98/48.

13. Nugent, T. M. (1998) Harvest care reaps a weed-free crop. Farming Ahead with the Kondinon Group 82: 51-52October 1998.

14. Nugent, T. M. (1998) Mycoherbicides find a place fighting weeds. Farming Ahead with the Kondinon Group 79: 36 July 1998.

15. Nugent, T. M. (1998) Planning benefits war against weeds. Farming Ahead with the Kondinon Group 74: 61-62. Feb 1998.

16. Nugent, T. M. (1998) Selective spraying controls weeds. Farming Ahead with the Kondinon Group 78: 55-57 June 1998.

17. Nugent, T. M. (1998) Sowing the seeds of a good crop next year begins at harvest. Australian Grain pp 9-12 October/November 1998.

18. Nugent, T. M. (1998) The best of Australia's worst weeds. Seeding Today p 20 July 1998.

19. Ostrowska, E., M.S. Muralitharan and R. Bassano (1998). In vitro propagation conditions for Eucalyptus ficifolia and Eucalyptus citriodora. Australian Horticulture, June, 45-51.

20. Taylor, A., and Meyer, W. (1998). Training Needs of the Irrigation Industry. Report to Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation. Farrer Centre, Charles Sturt University.