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Integrated Pest Management
Major Funded projects

Resistance and Pathogen Virulence in the canola:blackleg pathosystem

Identification of molecular markers for blackleg resistance in canola

Use of Molecular Markers to Enhance the Efficiency of Oilseed Brassica Breeding

Forecasting Sclerotinia Stem Rot in Australia

Biocontrol of saffron thistle

Development of a mycoherbicide for Asteraceae weeds

Sustainable starfruit control using a mycoherbicide to avoid development of chemical herbicide resistance

Sustainable starfruit control using a mycoherbicide to avoid development of chemical herbicide resistance

Molecular mode of action of a new fungicide for the control of Botrytis

The production, germinability and infectivity of survival structures of Rhynchosporium alismatis, a candidate mycoherbicide for the control of Alisma lanceolatum and Damasonium minus in rice

Development of integrated weed control strategies for the rice weeds Cyperus difformis and Alisma plantago-aquatica

Assessing allelopathy risks in conservation farming systems

Weed resistance to the knockdown herbicides glyphosate, paraquat and diquat in cropping systems

Evaluation of glyphosate resistance in annual ryegrass

Morphological and physiological changes in Trifolium subterraneum induced by applications of broadleaf herbicides

Study of the Biology of Fumitory (Fumaria spp)

Biology of arrowhead (Sagittaria montevidensis)

Weed Control in Forage Legumes

Herbicide carryover in crop stubble

Long term investigations of the effect of tillage practices on crop production at Wagga Wagga, NSW

Research program:
Integrated Pest Management

Program leader:
Dr Gavin Ash

Main thrust:

On an average, insects, diseases and weeds destroy up to 1/3 of all crop production. In the developed world 25% of all production is lost to pests. This does not include costs for control. Therefore, integrated pest management programs are essential components of any sustainable crop production system.
The Farrer Centre for Conservation Farming has a strong research program concerned with integrated pest management. This program supports research into pest management in cropping and pasture systems with the view to reduce the long-term burden of losses due to pests. Members of this program are drawn from the School of Agriculture, NSW Agriculture (ARI and AVRC) and Industry. Many of the staff are actively involved in one or more of the Cooperative Research Centres for Viticulture, Weed Management Systems and Sustainable Rice Production.


The aims of the integrated pest management program are:

• serve as a focus of weed, disease and insect research at CSU;

• provide infrastructure and support for research in IPM;

• facilitate linkages between researchers at CSU and those in other organizations such as NSW Agriculture, CSIRO and other universities;

• provide opportunities for post graduate research and training.

Main Research Areas:

The main research foci are:

1. control of canola diseases, especially blackleg;

2. management and genetic basis of herbicide resistance;

3. allelopathy;

4. biocontrol of weeds;

5. biology and ecology of weeds.


There is a large number of facilities within the Farrer Centre and the School of Agriculture for the support of research in the pest management program. These include:

• Glasshouse and growth room facilities. The Farrer Centre has an equipped PC2 quarantine glasshouse and controlled growth facilities ranging from smaller germination cabinets and microclimate facilities to growth rooms.

• Inoculation equipment that delivers accurate dosages of pathogens to plants and facilities for controlled dew formation.

• A pot spraying facility allowing for the accurate application of chemicals to potted plants.

• A fully equipped PC2 plant pathology laboratory with laminar flows, microscopes (inverted, DIC equipped, fluorescent and bright field), liquid nitrogen storage and bench top fermentation equipment.

• A laboratory equipped for molecular research including equipment for RAPDs and AFLP

• An agronomy laboratory with extensive incubators for germination and growth experiments.

• Analysis of densitometry, rapid DNA extraction and freeze drying.

Staff Involved


Gavin Ash, Peter Slater

Jim Pratley, Nigel Urwin

Morley Murilatharan, Rex Stanton

John Kent, Rosy Raman

Gordon Murray, Neil Wratten
Deidre Lemerle, Alex Nikandrow
Cedric May, Eric Cother
Harsh Raman

Nigel Crump, Alexa Seal
Tonya Weichel, Elisa Heylin
Peter Vanderaa, Ragini Ravindran
Farzhad Jahromi, Rama Heidari
Han Wen Wu, Tamrika Hind
Richard Graham, Wayne Pitt
Giles Flower, Robin Mitra
Gertraud Norton,