Farrer Centre Home
Report Home
Report from director
Report from associate director
Agriculture and the enviromental imperative
Structure and management
The role of post graduate students in the Farrer Centre
Interaction with the Wagga Wagga Agricultural Institute
Postgraduate students 1998
List of Members
Publications 1998
Reports from research programs
Farming Systems
Integrated Pest Management
Soil and Water Management
Internet Technology
Spatial Information Technologies

Management Committee


Professor Jim Pratley

Dr Gavin Ash

Mr John Kent
Mr Jon Medway
Postgraduate Representative
Mr Farzad Jahromi

Financial Service Representative
Mr Bob Seaman

Advisory Board

Professor Kath Bowmer

Professor Jim Pratley

Mr Peter Cregan
Dr Keith Heylar

Program Structure
Associate Director, Research

Dr Gavin Ash

Farming Systems
Professor Ted Wolfe, School of Agriculture

Integrated Pest Management
Dr Gavin Ash, School of Agriculture

Internet Technology
Mr Ken Eustace, School of Information Studies

Mr John Kent, School of Agriculture

Soil & Water Management
Dr Phil Eberbach, School of Agriculture

Dr Morley Murilitharan, School of Agriculture

Spatial Information Technologies
Dr David Lamb, School of Science and Technology