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Reports from research programs
Farming Systems
Integrated Pest Management Biotechnology
Soil and Water Management
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Spatial Information Technologies
Major Funded projects

An evaluation of multispectral imagery of dryland crops as an aid to field agronomists

Using airborne video to map winter weeds in emerging crops

Developing a rapid, cost effective method of assessing algal biomass in the riverine environment

Use of airborne digital imaging to assess within-paddock variability in rice production

Mapping blackberry thickets with airborne video data

Determining flow/inundation relationships for the Murrumbidgee River using satellite remote sensing

Monitoring Regional Scale Water Balance & Rice Crop Yield using Remote Sensing

Assessment of Environmental Flows for the Murrumbidgee River

Response of diagnostic bioindicators of river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) health to changes in flow

Mapping of forest moisture stress using high resolution spectral data

An evaluation of airborne video for mapping moisture stress in the Barmah-Millewa river red gum forest

Scoping study of correlations between chlorophyll fluorescence, spectral reflectance and canopy dieback at Olney State Forest, NSW

Ground calibration of River Red Gum health associated with airborne video imagery

Response of diagnostic bioindicators of river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) health to changes in flow

Research Supervisor:
Ms Laurie Chisholm

inclusive within the "Assessment of Environmental Flows for the Murrumbidgee River" project


Project Summary:
River red gum forests are an integral part of the Murrumbidgee River Corridor that have been subjected to numerous and varied natural biotic and abiotic stressors. Their existence depends on a particular flooding regime which has been substantially altered due to river regulation. A combined physiological-remote sensing methodology is under development to assess manifestations or markers of stress, related factors and other indicators of health and vigour of river red gum and develops a rapid yet cost-effective remote assessment technique to assess changes in tree health with response to flow. An airborne video system that utilises narrow waveband filters will be used to resolve reflectance-based indicators of health and produce moisture stress indices, augmented with chlorophyll fluorescence measurements as part of the ground-truthing program. It is expected this technique will provide an effective and efficient approach to the monitoring of the health of river red gum forests with respect to changes in flow regimes.