IFLA International Research Reference Group

South Korea Survey

Welcome to the Principals Research Survey data collection site.

Before completing any of the survey forms below please ensure you have a record of your School Identification Number. This needs to be entered at the top of each form.

Thank you.

If you are a Principal in a South Korean school, please complete the 3 survey forms below:

          Principal Instrument 1: Demographics

          Principal Instrument 2

          Principal Instrument 3

If you are a School Librarian in a South Korean school, please complete the 3 survey forms below:

          School Librarian Instrument 1: Demographics

          School Librarian Instrument 2

          School Librarian Instrument 3

Thank you again for your participation. If you have any problems completing these survey
forms, please email your Survey Coordinator Yoon-ok Han.

IFLA IRRG Principals Project Web Site Coordinator Lyn Hay

Survey software developed by the Internet Special Projects Group copyright 1997