School Librarian Instrument 3

Please enter your school's six-digit Survey Identification Number provided by your Survey Coordinator carefully.

Enter Survey Identification Number here:  

To be completed by the School Librarian

The following questions allow you to provide the researchers with additional information.

Please enter your responses in the windows provided below:

1. From my perspective the strengths of the library resource centre are:

2. From my perspective the challenges that face the library resource centre are:

3. The following things that the school librarian does are critical to the quality of teaching
     and learning:

4. If the library resource centre were closed for more than two weeks the form and quality
     of teaching and learning would be affected in the following ways:

5. If the school librarian were absent from school for more than two weeks the form and
     quality of teaching and learning would be affected in the following ways:

6. When the school librarian is absent the following arrangements ensure access to the
     library resource centre:

7. I see information literacy as:

8. I see the following as the major barriers to the integration of information skills
     across the curriculum:

9. I promote the role of the library resource centre through school committees in the
      following ways:

10. I maintain my credibility as a school librarian in the following ways:

11. The principal could provide the following additional supports to me as school librarian:

12. In conclusion I would like to make the following points about my role in developing
      and supporting an information literate school community:

Please check your responses carefully as they can only be accepted once and then

Thank you for your participation. If you have any problems completing this survey
please email your Survey Coordinator Yoon-ok Han.

IFLA IRRG Principals Project Web Site Coordinator Lyn Hay

Survey software developed by the Internet Special Projects Group copyright 1997