IFLA International Research Reference Group

Finland Survey

Welcome to the Principals Research Survey data collection site.

Before completing any of the survey forms below please ensure you have a record of your School Identification Number. This needs to be entered at the top of each form.

Thank you.

If you are a Principal in a Finnish school, please complete the 3 survey forms below:

          Principal Instrument 1: Demographics

          Principal Instrument 2

          Principal Instrument 3

If you are a Teacher Librarian in a Finnish school, please complete the 3 survey forms below:

          Teacher Librarian Instrument 1: Demographics

          Teacher Librarian Instrument 2

          Teacher Librarian Instrument 3

Thank you again for your participation. If you have any problems completing these survey
forms, please email your Survey Coordinator Liisa Niinikangas.

IFLA IRRG Principals Project Web Site Coordinator Lyn Hay

Survey software developed by the Internet Special Projects Group copyright 1997