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Soil and Water Management
Major Funded projects

Reducing the persistence of Izamethapyr residues in acid soils

Enhancing the beneficial effect of pulses on wheat production

Sorption characteristics and degradation of some herbicides in Australian soils

Processes causing pH stratification of surface soils

Sustainable rotations through recharge control by enhanced lucerne water uptake

Effect of a polymer on soil water retention/release characteristics and plant water use efficiency

Controlled root zone irrigation

Effect of pulsing on wetting patterns with T-tape subsurface irrigation system

Research program:
Soil and Water Management

Program leader:
Dr Philip Eberbach

Main thrust:
Agriculture is a major export earner for Australia. The future for Australian agriculture depends upon the development of management practices which sustainably utilize the natural resource base _ namely soils and water. The thrust of research undertaken within this program deal with problems of significance to agricultural production within the Murray Darling Basin.

• To develop farming systems which reduce soil pH decline in higher rainfall areas of southern Australia

• To investigate the potential for phase farming to reduce groundwater recharge and reduce the spread of dryland salinization
• To improve irrigation practices to reduce water usage by crops and reduce recharge into groundwater systems

Staff Involved:

Philip Eberbach

Scott Black

Asitha Katupitiya

Siva Sivapalan

Myo Win

Peter Cregan


Jeff Evans (NSW Agriculture)

Mark Conyers (NSW
Deirdre Lemerle (NSW Agriculture)
Jim Virgona (NSW Agriculture)
Damian Heenan (NSW
Frank Dunin (CSIRO Plant Industry)

Chris Smith (CSIRO Land and Water)
Liz Humphreys (CSIRO Land and Water)
Warren Muirhead (CSIRO Land and water)
Keryn Paul (submitted 1998)

Michelle Kennedy
Gerard O'Connor
Michael Gromer (submitted and passed 1998)
Michelle Miller

Phil Charlesworth
Jason Condon
Jeff Hoffman